Timeline to launch

As we are rapidly approaching our launch date of Monday 6th January 2020, we felt it was essential to publish a timeline of significant milestones leading up to the launch.

Week commencing:

  • 7th October 2019 – Email all Dioceses RE Services and Dioceses HR/Finance Departments.
  • Registration Opens – For all UK Catholic Dioceses, Parishes, Diocesan organisations and other Catholic Charities.
  • 14th October – 8th November 2019 – Email all UK Catholic schools inviting them to apply for Foundation membership.
  • 18th November 2019 – Follow up email to schools who have not responded or registered.
  • 2nd December 2019 – End trial of website – move website into live mode
  • Invoicing – Start sending out membership invoices for payment in January 2020.
  • 9th December 2019 – Final email to schools inviting them to apply for Foundation membership.
  • 14th – 15th December 2019 – Website undergoing final updates before accepting job listings on Monday. The website will be offline for part of this period.
  • 16th December 2019 – All establishments can post jobs listings with a closing date after 10th January 2020.
  • Friday 20th December 2019 – Requests for Foundation membership ends today all requests for membership received after today are only eligible for Community membership at £275.00 per year.
  • Christmas Holiday – Our office closes today at 4.00pm.
  • Friday 3rd January 2020 – Our office re-opens for support from 10.30am.
  • Monday 6th January 2020 – catholicrecruitment.co.uk goes LIVE!

Last updated: 29th October 2019.