The end of the Christian story in Iraq? No. God will find a way, says Archbishop

Archbishop Bashar Warda, Chaldean Archbishop of Erbil

The Archbishop of Erbil, speaking in our second podcast interview looking ahead to Pope Francis’ historic first visit to Iraq, has stressed that despite the challenges, God will protect Christianity in Iraq.

Archbishop Bashar Warda, Chaldean Archbishop of Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan, doesn’t pull his punches when reflecting on the impact of decades of persecution, war and conflict on minorities in the north – particularly the Christians.

“I tell you, it’s a challenging time for us. We believe in God, I mean it’s our faith. But if you ask me, is there a future? I would say given these circumstances, no, there’s no future.

“Sooner or later, the majority of the [Iraqi] Christians who are abroad will invite them, I mean, family union within these programmes will encourage that.

“But is this the end of it? No, because the final word is for God, and God, who kept the Christianity alive for 2,000 years in Iraq with all of these difficulties and persecution right from the beginning… He will find a way.

“But of course, we have to think with Him to help Him find the way. I mean, He needs our help with that.”


Our full 20-minute interview with Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil will be released on Wednesday, 24 February 2021.

Catholic News Podcasts

Source: CBCEW