Report to members and visitors

Catholic Jobs Recruitment Employment

This report covers the period from 6th January 2021 – 5th January 2022

All at Catholic Recruitment would like to thank you for your continued support, either as a member or a website visitor.  Launching a new business at the start of a pandemic has not been without its challenges, and some of these challenges are still prevalent today.  So we are grateful for your support, including retweeting and sharing our Tweets.  We announced last week there would be no price increase until 2024, so as a big thank you to our Foundation and Community members who supported us when we started, we are pleased to announce that any discount applied last year will be applied for the next two years.

Website and Twitter Stats

  • 9,873 Average unique visitors per month*
  • 3,705 new jobs were posted
  • Posted 891 news articles
  • We tweeted 6,459 tweets.
  • Our weekly newsletter is emailed to 1,221 recipients each week. 
    49.7% on average open the email. **
  • Average twitter impression per month 59,225***
  • 927 people applied for jobs after viewing the job on our website****
  • 576 were successful in their application****

   *   Source Google Analytics –
A unique visitor is only counted once per
month, no matter how many times they
visit during the month. 
**    Source Mailchimp Analytics
 ***  Source Twitter Analytics
**** Source Visitors Survey 2021 as of Monday 10th January 2022.

Visitor Survey 2021

We had 2,086 submitted Visitors Surveys.  The survey ran from the 1st November 2020 until 10th January 2022. 

The majority of visitors rated our site 8 out of 10.  (Replies ranged from 3 – 10)

Posting New Jobs to Twitter, the majority of visitors found this helpful, and they clicked on our Twitter Job Postings. 

Posting two news articles in the morning and two in the evening.  The majority of visitors offered No opinion, followed closely by not posting often enough. 

The majority of visitors thought it was very easy to navigate our website.

Only 19 people said they had contacted our support over the last 12 months, and all 19 were Very Satisfied with the support they received.  Of these 19,  5 had viewed our support videos once again; all 5 found them helpful.

We appreciate all your good and bad feedback; after reviewing your comments, we listened to what you said.

You asked for improved search filters, we listened, and from December, all new job postings had new categories added to facilitate this.  To see how to use our search to filter your result visit our support page

Some visitors found it unhelpful to receive notifications on Twitter for jobs they were not interested in receiving.  Example:  Charities jobs when they were looking for teaching jobs.  We treat all jobs as equal, and all jobs are posted to our Twitter account.   We have improved our site search engine to help you filter and view only the jobs you are interested in viewing.  We have also added our powerful and advanced search engine to our weekly newsletter.   From today we will be adding our search engine to our latest job page, which lists all new jobs that day.

You also asked if you could filter jobs by location or postcode.

We have been testing different versions of plugins to allow this.  This option will be available soon.  The issue we are currently having is all 3 plugins we have trialled can cause the search result to be slow.  Once we have resolved this issue, we will implement this request.

We are all extremely grateful for your support and feedback, and we hope you continue to support our efforts over the coming year.

God bless,
The Catholic Recruitment Team
17th January 2022