Updated: New social gathering rules ‘will not apply to churches’ tweets the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury

This article has been updated to include the following tweet from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference (England and Wales)

The British government announced new limits on social gatherings last night to curb an apparent rise in coronavirus cases. However, they did not mention whether the restrictions applied to places of worship.

Under the new rules, which will be legally enforceable, social gatherings of more than six people will be prohibited in homes, gardens, parks and places such as pubs and restaurants. The government announced a number of exemptions, including weddings and funerals, but did not mention places of worship offering public worship.

Archbishop Justin Welby tweeted this morning that, after contact with the government, there is “no change to guidance on places of worship.”

The Church of England later said in a press release that they understand the new regulations “will not apply to public worship or individual prayer in church buildings.”

The Catholic bishops have so far not issued an update.

This article has been updated to include a tweet from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference (England and Wales) – Tweet at top of page