Livestreaming: Easter Services

Churches Services TV has been offering live-streaming of Masses for a number of years. It is expected a high number of people will be watching services over the weekend. As a result of this some services will suffer buffering issues (when the image appears frozen).

We suggest you try YouTube, click here to see what live Masses you can view in the UK today.

To see what churches in the UK and Ireland are live broadcasting their Masses, visit, alternately visit your Diocese’s website as they may have further information. Due to the significant increase in use, due to the current crisis, there may be occasional buffering. If this happens please do not initially ‘refresh’ the page, as this puts additional load on the service, but give it a few seconds to return.   

On Sky Channel 588 the Catholic Global Network ETWN broadcast a live daily Mass in English at midday every day.  If you don’t have Sky, you can watch a live broadcast on your, phone, tablet or desktop computer by visiting