CAFOD Family Fast Day focusses on food crisis in East Africa

Cafod East Africa | CBCEW

CAFOD, the Church’s Aid and Development Agency, marks its annual Family Fast Day on 7 October with an appeal to Catholics in England and Wales to help the millions of people around the world struggling to put food on the table.

The world food crisis could be the worst in living memory. CAFOD’s local experts are working hard to provide emergency food supplies to families in the worst affected countries in East Africa.

“It’s very distressing to be unable to feed your children,” says Talaso from Marsabit in Keyna. “As a mother, that’s the most distressing thing of all.”

20 million people are fighting for their survival through a crisis that has largely been created by other disasters. Climate change, coronavirus, and the conflict in Ukraine, are causing food prices to rocket. As each day goes by, the situation worsens.

Fast Day

On Friday 7 October, we can play our part by supporting CAFOD’s Family Fast Day with our prayers, solidarity and, if possible, donations.

If you feel you can, please help support communities around the world facing starvation. You can give today or start a monthly gift to CAFOD at

Any contribution will help CAFOD’s local experts deliver emergency food and water and help cover school fees and school meals for the hardest-hit families.

Parish action

You can get involved in your parish by following some of these suggestions:

The short talk, newsletter text, and all CAFOD’s resources for its Family Fast Day can be found here.

Source: CBCEW