Bishop McKinney disturbed by allegations of labour exploitation in some Leicester clothing factories

Bishop Patrick McKinney Credit: CBCEW

Statement from the Catholic Diocese of Nottingham on allegations concerning Boohoo’s employment practices in Leicester factories

The Bishop of Nottingham has welcomed reports that an official inquiry is due to be launched into allegations of modern slavery.

The clothing giant, Boohoo, is coming under increasing scrutiny following allegations of exploitative practices at its factories in Leicester, which is a city within the Diocese of Nottingham.

Following reports that Boohoo is now facing an investigation into its practices by the US Customs and Border Protection, Bishop Patrick McKinney said:

“I was disturbed to hear of allegations of labour exploitation in some of Leicester’s clothing factories and I welcome reports that an official investigation is due to be launched.

“As Pope Francis has previously said, ‘every human being is a free person destined to live for the good of others in equality and fraternity. Every person, and all people, are equal and must be accorded the same freedom and the same dignity.’

“The Diocese of Nottingham and the wider Catholic Church in England and Wales will continue to fight for the human dignity of each individual and support international efforts, to hold to account, anyone who violates this inalienable right.”

Sky News report: Boohoo facing possible US import ban after allegations over use of slave labour

Source: CBCEW