Source: CNA
Earlier this month, Bishop Peter Collins led an ecumenical pilgrimage to Rome, joined by prominent Christian leaders from Norfolk. The diverse group, representing a range of Christian traditions, undertook the journey to promote unity and dialogue, fostering mutual understanding and shared faith.
The delegation included Rt Rev Graham Usher, Diocesan Bishop of Norwich in the Church of England; Rev Canon Sally Theakston, Canon to the Bishop of Norwich; Rev David Mayne, Regional Minister Team Leader for the Eastern Baptist Association; Rev Lythan Nevard, Moderator for the Eastern Synod of the United Reformed Church; Ms Liz Hoffbauer, representing the Society of Friends (Quakers); Dr Ian Watson, County Ecumenical Officer for Norfolk and Waveney and a lay Catholic; and Fr Peter Wygnanski, Bishop Peter’s Secretary.
Their pilgrimage itinerary was rich with meaningful encounters and spiritual experiences. The group visited the Anglican Centre in Rome, which serves as a bridge of friendship and theological exchange between the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church. They also explored the Basilica of St Paul’s Outside the Walls, one of Rome’s major pilgrimage sites, and the Beda College, a seminary for mature men preparing for the Catholic priesthood.
A highlight of the pilgrimage was their attendance at the general audience with Pope Francis in St Peter’s Square. Accompanied by Benedictine monk Fr Martin Browne, who works at the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, the group listened as the Holy Father delivered a catechesis focused on the welfare of children.
During his address, Pope Francis expressed profound concern over the exploitation and abuse endured by children worldwide, calling for a global awakening of consciences. “It is therefore necessary,” the Pope implored, “to awaken consciences, to practice closeness and genuine solidarity with abused children and young people, and at the same time to build trust and synergies between those who are committed to offering them opportunities and safe places in which to grow up serenely.”
The audience concluded on a lighter note with a colourful performance by circus artists, which brought smiles to the crowd gathered in the Vatican.
The group also visited St Peter’s Basilica, one of Christianity’s most iconic sites, and the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, where they engaged in discussions on fostering ecumenical cooperation.
Reflecting on the pilgrimage, Bishop Peter described it as a significant step in building stronger relationships among Christian communities. “This journey reflected our shared commitment to Christian unity,” he said. “In the spirit of pilgrimage, we sought to deepen our bonds as brothers and sisters in Christ, while drawing inspiration from the richness of our diverse traditions.”
The pilgrimage underscored the growing commitment of Christian leaders in Norfolk to work together across denominational lines, building bridges of friendship and faith. Their shared experiences in Rome have already begun to inspire further initiatives for unity and understanding within their communities back home.
This remarkable journey served as a powerful reminder of the value of unity in diversity and the role of faith in promoting healing and hope in a divided world.
Source: CBCEW