Bishop Lang urges support for the thousands affected by the devastating earthquake in Syria and Turkey

Bishop Declan Lang, chair of the International Affairs department of the Bishops’ Conference | CBCEW

Bishop Declan Lang, who chairs the International Affairs department of the Bishops’ Conference, has offered prayers for victims and survivors of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck south-eastern Turkey and north-western Syria on 6 February.

“Our prayers are with the people of Syria and Turkey; all those who have died, those who are mourning their family and friends, and those who have lost their homes,” said Bishop Lang. “We pray too for the brave local rescue workers and volunteers from across the world.”

CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, has launched an emergency appeal to help meet the needs of those affected. The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the death toll could exceed 20,000.

Bishop Lang has urged Catholics to pray for survivors, victims and their families and, if possible, to support CAFOD’s appeal.

“I encourage Catholics throughout England and Wales to continue supporting our sisters and brothers who have been affected by this tragedy, through your prayers, and if possible through CAFOD’s emergency appeal which is providing urgent food, water, and shelter to survivors.”

Source: CBCEW