This weeks new job listings
Chemistry Teacher
St Bonaventure's School
St Augustine's Catholic Primary School
Teacher of Design Technology (one-year fixed term: maternity cover)
Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College
Teacher of Business Studies
Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College
MFL Teacher (Part-Time FTE0.6)
St Bernard's High School
Exam Invigilator
St John Plessington Catholic College
Teacher of Geography
Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School
Cover Supervisor/Faculty Support
Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School
Food Service Assistant
St Wilfrid's Catholic School
Teacher of Science
Maricourt Catholic High School
Design Technology Technician
Cardinal Newman Catholic School
Head of Department – Design Technology (Food Specialist)
St Monica's RC High School
Teacher of Physical Education
St John's Beaumont School
Teacher of MFL – French with either Spanish or German (Maternity Cover)
St Mary's College
Y1 Primary Teacher– ECT / MPS / UPS
Holy Trinity Catholic and C of E School
Teacher of English
Holy Trinity Catholic and C of E School
Teacher of Science– ECT/MPS/ UPS
Holy Trinity Catholic and C of E School
Teacher of Religious Education
Gunnersbury Catholic School
Teacher of Business Studies
Gunnersbury Catholic School
Premises Assistant
John F Kennedy Catholic School
School Librarian – Part-time
St Aloysius’ College
Religious Education Teacher – Part-time
St Aloysius’ College
Exams Coordinator
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School
Teacher of Design & Technology
St Cuthbert's RC High School
Teacher of Science (Full time, Permanent, MPS/UPS)
Cardinal Newman Catholic High School
St Columba's Catholic Boys' School
Teacher of Science
St Gregory's Catholic Science College
Teacher of Design Technology
The Academy of St Francis of Assisi