Registration for CMAT Membership (School)

School/College details

As issued by EduBase
including postcode.
Primary Secondary or Independent School, Sixth Form College, University.
If you are part of a CMAT, CET or Federation, please enter the name above.
e.g. Northampton

Registered User details

The details you enter below will be used to manage and access your account.
Registered Users First Name
Registered Users Last Name
All enquiries from job seekers will come to this address, this email address will also be used to reset your password.
CMAT Foundation
By checking this, you agree to our Privacy Policy.
By clicking here you are verifying you are authorised to act on behalf of the organisation named in the Establishment Name box above.

Purchase Order

If you are sending us a PO please upload below.
Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 1 files
You can upload your PO as a .pdf .doc, docx.