St. Michael’s School is an Independent Catholic School set within beautiful grounds in Hampshire. Due to retirement, the school is seeking qualified teachers, or graduates with some teaching experience.
All disciplines will be considered, although we are particularly keen to hear from teachers able to offer more than one subject, English or Technical subjects.
The school would especially suit those who are looking to teach in aa authentically Catholic and academic environment, without the usual ‘crowd control’ of mainstream schools. Head of department roles or extra responsibilities may be available for the right candidate.
We are offering full or part time hours, free daily lunch and a pleasant working environment with access to traditional sacraments. For more information about the school please email or call 07512238511.
Job Application Downloads:
To apply for this job you are required to do one of the following:
1. Send your completed application forms to the email address below.
2. Email your details or request further information from the email address below.
3. Send your CV if requested. Please only send your CV if requested to do so.
Please mention when applying.