School Business Manager

Full Time Permanent
Academy / Non-Teaching / Phase: Secondary with sixth form
St Anne's Catholic School and Sixth Form College

The governors of St Anne’s Catholic School seek to appoint a School Business Manager with responsibility and accountability for all business aspects of the school. The School Business Manager will be a member of the Senior Leadership Team and will act as the Chief Financial Officer for the Academy Trust.

St Anne’s is a highly-successful 11-16 girls’ school with a mixed sixth form in the heart of Southampton. Rated by Ofsted as outstanding in all areas, our Catholic ethos means we pride ourselves on ensuring that staff wellbeing is at the heart of every decision we make. Our results show that this leads to positive and successful learning experiences for our pupils. Staff and students often use the word family to describe what it feels like to be part of the school community. That’s why colleagues tell us they enjoy working here and are proud to be a member of St Anne’s: in our annual survey this year 100% of staff would recommend working at St Anne’s.

Specifics for this role

The successful candidate will bring proven experience of leading and managing a significant budget and teams in a complex organisation to this role. They will combine the ability to think strategically and manage operationally in education setting. Understanding of HR, compliance, health and safety, GPDR, administration and IT in the context of an Academy is essential.

Job Application Downloads:


To apply for this job you are required to do one of the following:
1. Send your completed application forms to the email address below.
2. Email your details or request further information from the email address below.
3. Send your CV if requested. Please only send your CV if requested to do so.

Please mention when applying.

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